Friday, May 7, 2010

Celtic Fest Chicago 2010

Reminder: Don't forget to try out some of the words!
Even if you don't know how to pronounce them yet,
put your word recognition skills to the test.
If there are other groups present, visually glance
over the words. How is Irish compared to another language?
Are there similarities in the way they appear?

If you happen to meet any officials or vendors who speak
Irish, you can also practice your mistakes on them. Let
them laugh at you and correct you.

Print literacy is what you are most after at this point.
So focus on that.

Irish is a language that is rarely spoken, even by the Irish. Even in the old
country, they say there are just a handful who even speak it. The most common
feature it has with other languages is that it is more common in print. So, our aim
is to learn it by visual means.

As the time approaches, we will go to sites where you will hear it more.
Then we will practice repeating sounds, phrases and sentences.

Barnes and Nobles is one place where they have the audio along with visual lessons.
Nowadays, most lessons are in CD format. A text is usually provided.
Dictionaries may not be provided in the set, but you can either buy them separately or check for a glossary at the back of the text that is provided.

What I can also recommend is that if the cost is hefty, return another time to buy items a little at a time. If you have a budget worked out, you should be able to handle any purchase. Check around with new internet friends if they have items they are not using, or if you may find items you need at smaller bookstores.

Look for books at other book stores as well.

If you like to use the internet, try a site like

Celtic Fest usually has a handful of bookstores that come with other interesting
things that are sold. I bought some books in Irish there years ago.

Walk around and you will stumble upon one of them.

Don't forget to have some extra funds in the event you see something else you may want to purchase.

Lots of fun!!! Music, jewelry, posters, clothing...etc.!

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