Sunday, August 5, 2012

Irish and English Words

If you were speaking Irish, would you be able to tell?

The site listed above is a fun way of finding out how many Irish words you knew already, because they are found in the English language, to begin with, and admitting that you were using them all along in public would be the surprising thing.

Enjoy learning English and Irish both!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Do not forget to review words at this site. Choose a few recurring words. Example: an, agus See where they are placed in phrases or sentences. Review meanings if you haven't done it for some time. Choose your favourite articles or nouns and practice saying them aloud. Refer to the pronunciation guides online or in your books. This particular one is from this site: Magazine for Traditional Music Throughout the World Happy reviewing and studying of Irish!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Pronouns: Site: Site: Practicing words and phrases: Auditory Site: Wikipedia has a brief history of Indo European languages, including Irish.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Understanding Accents

One must also have a ear for the alphabet as it resounds in words.

The tongue is a very tricky instrument and must be trained to touch the
right part of the palate.

Celtics have the hang of this, as do the Spanish with that rolling "r" in time.
Some of us still say 'tree' for three, by the way.

So, that is a good sign, at least, for this present season.

Here's a sampling of accents, Brit as well..see if you can decipher them.

Thursday, May 26, 2011



Compare with the English.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

St Patrick's Day 2011

Lá Fhéile Pádraig (pronounced, "law ale a Fadrig")

Hallo to Irish language learners!

How goes the self - study process?

I hope you are moving along carefully and slowly.

In this way, you will circumvent any problems you have in returning
again to relearn or review material.

Keep your pace and never rush the process of learning.

Enjoy the work toward the learning and knowledge of a most excellent
language in time!

This also prevent errors in the future and enough time to correct errors.

The Irish prefer to be careful and meticulous and do their work with
pride and eagerness.

Keep the pace in time and in season alway!

Never be tempted to rush any learning. Leave time for study or for tests and
such, if ye be in schooling at present.

In this way, may no true Irish ever be supplanted by duplicators or impersonators
in time!

God bless.'Happy_Saint_Patrick's_Day'_in_Irish

**Early St Patrick's Day Gift:

Your humble Irish self - study facilitator,


Contact me in the 'Comments' Section if you need corrections made or to
leave any other requests of self - study material in time.